Studio Events
Students at Play Out Loud Music Studio have the opportunity to participate in many different events and contests.
Studio recitals are usually held each year in the fall and spring.
Musicianship Classes
Musicianship classes are held approximately 6-7 times per year. During these sessions, a wide variety of concepts and topics are covered, often using music games and other activities. These classes are one of the highlights of the studio experience...students have so much fun, and are able to learn in ways that are impossible during regular lessons.
TAMUCC & CCMTA Piano Celebration Week
Piano Celebration Week is an annual piano festival co-sponsored by TAMU-CC and Corpus Christi Music Teachers Association. Some of the events we have had in years past include guest artist recitals, master classes, a monster concert, and a marathon student recital.
The student recital is a highlight of the week - students perform on a 9-foot grand piano, in concert attire. They get to be a concert pianist for the day!
TMTA Theory Exams
Evaluates students' knowledge and ability to apply theory, aural, and musicianship concepts across a broad musical spectrum.
Each year the Texas Music Teachers Association (TMTA) Theory Committee prepares tests for levels 1-12. Tests may be taken in the fall or spring. Students receiving a grade of 90 or above will receive a medal from the state.
TMTA World of Music Exams:
The purpose of the World of Music is to introduce students to music history through the study of composer’s music, their life, and composition styles. The quiz covers material from the current World of Music series by Elinor L. Duff. The books and testing information have been created so that students may enter at any time in the current grade level. Registered students are tested in the spring semester and those who receive a score of 90 or above are awarded a medal.
TMTA Original Composition Contest
The Original Composition Contest encourages students to compose their own musical works. Students can compose solo (single instrument) or ensemble (two or more instruments) compositions that may be submitted to the state contest for adjudication by highly qualified judges.
TMTA Piano Ensemble
The state of Texas is home to the largest piano ensemble program in the United States. Each year at the state convention, over 6000 students have an opportunity to perform in one of nine concerts on a stage with 15 grand pianos. The TMTA Ensemble Program gives the beginner, intermediate, and advanced piano student the unique opportunity to play with other pianists in a piano ensemble.
The music for each age group (grades 1-7, and grades 8 & up) is selected in the fall. Students work on their parts throughout the year, with an audition in early February. If selected, they will work together with other students from the area rehearsing approximately once a week during April & May. This event concludes with a local performance at the CCMTA Honors Recital, and a performance at the TMTA State Convention.